Covert Entry Training

Lock Picking, Circumvention, Bypass & Surreptitious Techniques

Training Course Schedule

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(FOR COURSE FEES PLEASE SEE, BELOW):


January 13th - 14th, 2025 - Rancho Cordova, CA - Closed

February 3rd - 4th, 2025 - Carlsbad, CA - Closed

April 21st - 22nd, 2025 - Fort Collins, CO - Open

May 12th - 13th, 2025 - Carlsbad, CA - Open

June 9th - 10th, 2025 - San Jose, CA - Open

August 11th - 12th, 2025, Carlsbad, CA - ​Open


January 15 - 17th, 2025 - Rancho Cordova, CA - Closed

February 5th - 7th, 2025 - Carlsbad, CA - Closed

April 23rd - 25th, 2025 - Fort Collins, CO - ​Open

May 14th - 16th, 2025 - Carlsbad, CA - ​Open

June 11th - 13th, 2025 - San Jose, CA - ​Open

August 13th - 15th, 2025 - Carlsbad, CA - ​Open

Our 2-Day Covert Entry Specialist I course is designed to teach the skills, tactics and techniques required to surreptitiously & covertly pick, circumvent or by-pass locks & devices. During this course, students will hone their skills on a variety of locks, which are representative of what's typically encountered in the field. Our instructors are current active-duty law enforcement professionals who use the same covert entry techniques in the field and stay abreast of current changes and trends.

Our 3-Day Covert Entry Specialist II Intermediate & Advanced course teaches progressive techniques utilized in conducting covert entries. The subject matter includes advanced lock picking, duplication, deciphering, circumvention and bypass of locks and systems, such as biometric locks, high security locks, residential and commercial safes & security alarm systems. Our advanced course also covers scouting, intelligence gathering, planning and execution of a covert entry operation. (Note: to attend our 3-Day intermediate & advanced course students must have completed our 2-Day course, as a prerequisite).

At L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC our method of instruction is based on providing our students with 'hands on' experience in the class. Our company prides itself on not only instructing and demonstrating the techniques, but by conducting practical 'break-out' sessions, so each student performs the technique, too.

Other companies that charge more for their courses will merely 'demonstrate' a majority of the techniques for the students to observe, due to cost factors, equipment needed, and the number of instructors required to teach/monitor the technique. At L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC we believe the 'hands on' learning style works best.
In fact, the other companies will often use only 1 or 2 instructors for an entire class, which greatly increases the instructor - to - student ratio and negatively affects the learning curve. At L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC we never use less than 2 instructors per class, and have provided up to 5 instructors to ensure the best teaching & learning student environment.

Our course is based on proven and practiced techniques currently used by law enforcement personnel in the field. Students will learn and practice on over 525+ various domestic & European locks & devices*. This instruction will assist in developing the student's confidence, ability and expertise to effectively defeat and enter locked areas. Listed below are just some of the techniques and methods of entry covered.

Lock picking padlocks and combination locks
Lock picking tube style locks
Lock picking specialty tools
Vehicle entry techniques
Lock by-pass techniques
Improvising lock pick tools
Lock picking door knobs
Lock picking dead bolts
Plug spinning techniques and specialty tools
Lock circumvention techniques
Commercial door locks

This training course greatly benefits law enforcement, government and military personnel, such as: federal agents/homeland security personnel, patrol officers, detectives, SWAT/tactical operators, narcotics officers, probation & parole officers, as well as military special forces members. The subtle breaching techniques learned in this course can greatly benefit the following:

Search warrants
Sneak & peek warrants
SWAT operations
Surveillance & observation posts
Citizen welfare & medical assist calls
Probation searches
Accessing secured area for patrol calls
Arrest warrant service
K-9 search teams
Intelligence gathering operations
Arrest team staging
Hostage rescue team staging
Sniper & observer positioning
Narcotics investigations
Parole searches
Vehicle entries, searches & GPS install ops
Storage & container operations
Counter-terrorism operations

* Each student receives a lock pick set, note taking materials, resource materials and a certificate of completion; along with extensive 'hands-on' experience with techniques for bypassing & circumventing locks and lock systems.

This course is for law enforcement, government and military personnel only. This course is not for private investigators, security personnel and/or the general public. Please contact L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC if you have any questions regarding instructional requirements. Thank you.

Course Fees:

2-Day Course $450.00

3-Day Intermediate & Advanced Course $650

(Due to the intermediate & advanced course content class size is limited to only 25 students and registration fees must be paid, prior to the course commencing, unless prior arrangements have been made with L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC (e.g. GETA program, etc.). Additional registration payment information is included in the course registration forms).

Registration Forms:
To register for our course, please complete & submit the 'Contact' form, which is accessed under our 'Contact' page tab above, or call (760) 887-2892. You may also request a course registration from by emailing us directly at:
Registration Payment:
After you have registered, please send your registration fee (check or money orders) to:

L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC
P.O. Box 80931
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA  92688

For credit card payments: L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC will provide you with an invoice and payment instructions, after you have registered.


Hosted courses are conducted by L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC at the hosting agency's facility. A 'hosted' course can be either an 'open' or 'closed' course. An open course invites other agencies law enforcement personnel to your training location. A closed course is held at your facility, with only your agency's personnel in attendance.

For an 'open' course, a host agency benefits by receiving 'free' spots in the class, at a 10:1 ratio of students in attendance (e.g. 20 students attending = 2 'free' host agency students, etc). This greatly reduces the host agency's cost associated with registration, travel, per diem and lodging for their personnel to attend an outside course.

For a 'closed' course, L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC will establish a set price for the class, based on the number of your personnel attending. A closed course provides additional cost savings to your agency, since there is no course advertisement required and the students are confirmed in advance. Our 3-Day advanced course can also be 'hosted' independently or subsequent to our 2-Day course (5 days total).

During either hosted course, L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC provides the instructors, training aids, materials and resources for the course. Depending on the training location, L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC may have to ship the training aids in advance. If so, the host agency will assist us by receiving & securing the training aids until L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC arrives for the course. L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC will also handle all the course registrations, and billing.

For an open course, the host agency also assists by sending out the course information, via teletype messages, email, etc., and by forwarding course related telephone calls/emails to us. A host agency also assists by disseminating the course announcement (drafted & supplied by L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC). A host agency also supplies a suitable training site, along with local directions/maps to area hotels and restaurants for attendees.

Overall, an agency can receive substantial cost savings for hosting a course, when compared to sending personnel away to training. At L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC we guarantee the same quality and standards of the course, whether the course is instructed at your facility, or another agency's training site. If your agency is interested in hosting a course, please email us at:

A hosted course will be held when there is a sufficient number of 'guaranteed' students registered for attendance. This is required to ensure all expenses incurred by L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC which are related to the course will be covered. If enrollment is less than required, the course may be cancelled.

 Disclaimer (please read):  The training techniques, tools & methods learned in this course are to be used ONLY in accordance with strict ethical & moral conduct, and in conjunction with agency policies, and all local, state and federal restrictions.

L.O.C.T. Associates, LLC will bring our training to your agency & personnel, internationally or domestically. For more information, please see our 'Hosting' section below or 'Hosting' page (tab above).

About Our Courses: